git clone***********/automonitoring.git 1) create a virtual environment virtualenv automonitoring_env for python- 2.7 virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python automonitoring_env 2) cd automonitoring_env/ // ENVIRONEMNT FOLDER 3) source bin/activate 4) cd ../automonitoring // PROJECT FOLDER 5) pip install -r pip_req.txt To set a environment in pycharm - 1) click on app 2) edit configuration 3) add environment- dev then run GET CLONE RUN- virtualenv PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME_env OR virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python fileupdate_env CD PROJECT_FOLDER_NAME_env THEN RUN-> . bin/activate OR source fileupdate_env/bin/activate CD ../SOURVE_CODE_FOLDER/ THEN RUN - pip install -r pip_req.txt SET ENVIRONMENT-> CLICK ON APP-> EDIT CONFIGURATION THEN ADD-> “ENV AND VALUES DEV” To set a virtual environment in ubuntu-...